Saturday, 5 December 2015

Read the ultimate foot-stamping rant about Millennials


Behold! Millenials are a fucking joke.

…over-used counseling centers, and hand-holding-coddling-BS.

There used to be a time where two people could have different opinions and have an intelligent, educational conversation about it. Nowadays, two people have different opinions and all of a sudden it’s World War freaking 3. People used to be able to tell a joke without 4327852795 activist groups breathing down their throat. People used to be able to exist without offending someone.

So, here’s a lollipop of opinion: 99% of the time, people are just talking and…

Ah, yes, the past, when no-one was ever offended! And so perfectly timed to remind us that America's real problem, this week, is entitled children.

I suspect this post, in all its unselfaware ALLCAPS glory, may be satire. Assuming otherwise, think on this: for all that energy, all that shrieking, foot-stamping rage, it is likely the only shot its author will ever get at shaping the world. That was their moment. It's something we could all bear in mind in the age of "everyone's offended": don't blow it. Build something. At least get paid.

But Rob, why even write about it, I hear you ask? Because the presence of every hot millenial-hatin' keyword made me believe at first that it was generated by a computer program. No-one has claimed responsibility on Hacker News.

The thing is, it could be…

Would an "Anti-Millenial Rant Generator" be neat? (I'm pretty good at these) It could have settings, so you could dial from, say, "blackout drunk on Facebook" all the way up to "The Atlantic." You could even have images from the first page of Google results for "crybaby" randomly sprinkled therein, etc.

It's almost as if it must exist.

[h/t Dylan]

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