Sunday, 31 July 2016

Don't be caught dead on any road trip without these essentials

We love road trips done right, and these gadgets have made our lives much easier each time we hit the road:

Urge Basics 4-Port USB-C Car Charger

We think the Urge Basics 4-Port USB-C Car Charger should be on any road trip packing list. It has 4 charging ports, one for your and your passengers' phones (or...each of your four phones). It's also USB-C compatible and features a built-in OHC chip, making it compatible with the newest tech and fast-charging to boot.

Layze Flexible Universal Car Mount

The Layze Flexible Universal Car Mount keeps our phone out of our hands and in our line of sight-helping us avoid all those pesky traffic tickets while still being able to look at the GPS. It attaches to our dashboard and is compatible with all smartphones and GPS devices--convenience at its best.

Hacker puppets explain how they find your passwords in non-technical ways


Gus the hacker puppeteer writes, "Last weekend was the Hackers On Planet Earth conference (where, ICYMI, Cory was the keynote address). I always come away from HOPE wishing there were easier ways to share what I learned there with friends and family. Fortunately, the Internet Society has been streaming and storing videos of HOPE talks for the past two conferences. (My own talk, on getting into the minds of everyday computer users, should be up there eventually.)"

Saturday, 30 July 2016

Stream 18 Hours of Free Guided Meditations


Image via Wikimedia Commons

This year's crazed election got you stressed out? Or just life in general? “It's never too late,” Allen Ginsberg reminds us, “to meditate.” On Monday, we brought you several versions of Ginsberg's meditation instructions, which he set to song and recorded with Bob Dylan and disco maven/experimental cellist Arthur Russell, among others. Ginsberg's “sugar-coated dharma,” as he called it, does a great job of drawing attention to meditation and its benefits, personal and global, but it's hardly the soothing soundtrack one needs to get in the right posture and frame of mind.

For that, you might try Moby's 4 hours of ambient music, which he released free to the public through his website last month. Traditionally speaking, no music is necessary, but there's also no need go the way of Zen monks, or to embrace any form of Buddhism or other religion. Wholly secular forms of mindfulness meditation have been shown to reduce stress, depression, and anxiety, help manage physical pain, improve concentration, and promote a host of other benefits.

Still skeptical? Don't take my word for it. We've pointed you toward the vast amount of scientific research on the subject of mindfulness meditation, much of it conducted by skeptical researchers who came to believe in the benefits after seeing the evidence. If you too have come around to the idea that, yes, you should probably meditate, your next thought may be, but how? Well, in addition to Ginsberg's witty Vipassana how-to, UCLA has a series of short, guided meditations available on iTunesU. And just above, we have an entire playlist of guided meditations-18 hours in total. It was put together by Spotify, whose free software you can download here.

These include more religiously-oriented kinds of meditations like “Guided Chakra Balancing” and the mystical philosophies of Deepak Chopra, but don't run off yet if all that's too woo for you. There are also several hours of very practical, non-religious instruction from teachers like Professor Mark Williams of the Oxford Mindfulness Centre, who offers meditations for cognitive therapy. See Williams discuss mindfulness research and meditation as an effective means of managing depression in the video above. (Catch a full mindfulness lecture from Professor Williams and hear another guided meditation from him on Youtube).

You'll also find a 30-minute guided meditation for sleep, sitar music from Ravi Shankar, and many other guided meditations at various points on the spectrum from the mystical to the wholly practical. Something for everyone here, in other words. Go ahead and give it a try. No matter if you can manage ten minutes or an hour a day, it's never too late.

Related Content:

Daily Meditation Boosts & Revitalizes the Brain and Reduces Stress, Harvard Study Finds

Allen Ginsberg Teaches You How to Meditate with a Rock Song Featuring Bob Dylan on Bass

Free Guided Meditations From UCLA: Boost Your Awareness & Ease Your Stress

Josh Jones is a writer and musician based in Durham, NC. Follow him at @jdmagness

Stream 18 Hours of Free Guided Meditations is a post from: Open Culture. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus, or get our Daily Email. And don't miss our big collections of Free Online Courses, Free Online Movies, Free eBooksFree Audio Books, Free Foreign Language Lessons, and MOOCs.

On Trump and totalitarianism


People talk about Trump and totalitarianism in such a facile way. They don't know how close we came to the brink.

Wool author Hugh Howey shares his favorite tools


Our guest on the Cool Tools Show this week is Hugh Howey. Hugh is the New York Times bestselling author of WOOL, SAND, BEACON 23, and over a dozen other novels. He lives on a catamaran he custom built in South Africa and is now sailing around the world.

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Show notes:


Kindle Voyage E-reader ($199)

"It is the perfect reading device. … It weighs almost nothing, it's comfortable in your hand, and I can fit an entire library. The only ding that people have said about the device is its price. I read a lot of classics. When I look at all the free books on the device has paid for itself already several times over. … The Voyage uses the same screen as the Paperwhite. The body is just slimmer and there's physical page turn buttons now and my favorite thing actually about the interface is that there's a very wide side so that you can hold it with the kind of fat part of your thumb, the way you would hold a book without covering the screen or accidentally turning pages. …I have the same sort of emotional attachment to my e-readers as we've always had towards books because I think what I've found is that I imprinted on books by reading and enjoying them, and now I'm doing that with my e-reader device. The people who say, 'Well I'll never feel the same way about it,' well that's because you haven't read enough books yet to have that imprinting take place, but once you do you'll love the smell of plastic in your hand."


Oceanic OCi Wrist Dive Computer ($1,175-$1,300)

"[My Oceanic OCI] is a magical piece of technology. The original dive watches used to be enormous. They're about as big as the dive computers you carried on your scuba gear, but this ... is a very normal size watch. You can wear it every day for telling time, but when you go out for a swim - I'm doing a lot of free diving now - it keeps track of how deep you go and how long each dive is. You get basically a log of your entire swim, like every single time you surface it resets and logs that as a separate dive, so I know if I'm staying down for a minute, if I went down to 60 feet, like all these nice metrics which motivate me to work on my freediving even more. … The great thing about this watch is it's wireless and when I put on my scuba gear it communicates with my tank and it'll tell me how much air I have left."


Hario Ceramic Coffee Mill ($26)

"Something I love is my coffee mill. I could easily have a little plugin electric coffee mill but on my first sailboat I had very little power and I got as many hand powered things as I possibly could, including my drill was a hand-powered drill, which was a lot of fun, and this Hario ceramic coffee mill gives you a perfect grind. It's less than $30 for this thing and one of the things I really like about it is it's quite a bit of work. It might not seem like a selling point but ... I get more of a boost to my morning to making my coffee than I get from the coffee itself, and there's also a meditative quality about it. You really feel - between that and the French press and the whole coffee making process - it just fits with the boat lifestyle more than getting up to a coffee machine and pressing a button or getting in line at Starbucks."


Magic Bullet Blender ($40)

“This something else that I use every single day and I see these everywhere now. They've become very popular. … If you have all the right ingredients it makes for a wonderful replacement meal, very healthy. I started using it on land and it became indispensable. I actually traveled with my Magic Bullet Blender and I do a smoothie every day for lunch now. It's one and a half bananas, some peanut butter, yogurt, blueberry, strawberry, and protein mix, and then some camu camu and chia seeds. This all sounds like a lot of stuff but I have one little cabinet that has all my smoothie accoutrement in it. I pull it all out, that's what I had for lunch, just a couple hours ago, and it's so quick and easy and you're not hungry until dinner time. This blender, it's wonderful, it's very small and compact but it's powerful enough to crush ice. You drink right out of the thing that you blend in so you don't have a lot of extra cleanup and the blade has held up to 6 months of abuse so far. It comes with all kinds of blades and containers. You don't need a lot of it so you can really kind of figure out what you need and recycle the rest, but it's a beautiful blender. I love it."

Friday, 29 July 2016

How a cooked Assange quote ended up media gospel

Julian Assange. Image: Reuters.

Wikileaks, the clearing house for state secrets, seems more about founder Julian Assange's grudges these days: especially the one for Hillary Clinton. Much fuss was made over a quote-that he had "enough evidence" to guarantee an indictment of her-that was widely attributed to him. It turns out, though, that the quote doesn't check out: most point to a mangled interview on the UK's ITV where it isn't even said. Jesse Singal set out to track down a source that no-one bothered to verify. It's a surprisingly tantalizing and teasing journey, but the tl;dr seems to be that the quote was originally fabricated by the investment blog Zero Hedge. (more…)

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Hillary Clinton accepts Democratic party nomination for president


The first woman to be nominated, and to accept, a major party's nomination as president of the United States of America. I came to America 15 years ago, and it took me 15 years to get citizenship: Trump is a chump-and I am with her. As your resident pet English muppet, I exhort you to vote for Hillary Clinton.

That said, I'm slightly disappointed that she went for a white pantsuit instead of the usual Space Federation Onesie she's been rocking lately. Alas, in politics, no-one gets everything they want.

Tell your cat you're pregnant


Having a baby requires adjustment for everyone in your home. This includes the cat. Now you can prepare your fur baby for a drooling hairless counterpart that will coo and wail in the dwelling where it was once the center of attention.

Tell Your Cat You're Pregnant: Baby and Toy Sounds for Preparing Your Cat for a Baby is a set of audio tracks of actual unpleasant baby sounds for your cat to experience, with titles such as "Loud Crying" and "Screaming." Also doubles as a contraceptive.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Gabby Giffords rides an airhead


Former U.S. congressperson Gabrielle Giffords pictured with her lovely /5 toaster.

Review: Voltron, Legendary Defender


My people raised me on the greatness of Voltron Lion Force. So when I discovered there was a remake on Netflix, I was excited. Scared. The bland unpleasantness of the Thundercats reboot lingers still with me. Last night I caught the first episodes, and I have to say I

Trump asks Russia to conduct espionage against Hillary Clinton


Trump at press conference yesterday: “Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let's see if that happens.”

Response from Clinton camp: "This has to be the first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his political opponent. That's not hyperbole, those are just the facts. This has gone from being a matter of curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security issue."

Patent fighters attack the crown jewels of three of America's worst patent trolls


Unified Patents raises money from companies that are the target of patent-trolling and then uses it to challenge the most widely used patents in each of its members' sectors: now it's going for the gold.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Spelling, Florida style

Photo credit: nuclearwomb/Reddit

Via Reddit, a photo of Pine Ridge High School, Deltona, Florida's interpretive road art.

Extreme off-road wheelchair


The Ripchair 3.0 is an electric off-road wheelchair (actually, a "track chair") that enables you to roll your regular wheelchair or powerchair into the chassis, dock it into place, and take off. It's outfitted with a 19 horsepower, 4 stroke engine, construction grade hydraulics and tracks, joystick or lever control, cup holder, and a mount for your fishing rod or hunting rifle.

Ripchair 3.0 (via Uncrate)



Monday, 25 July 2016

Bernie Sanders' Democratic National Convention speech


A sustained and rousing standing ovation for Bernie Sanders at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, tonight.


Sunday, 24 July 2016

Knights of the Apocalypse, another Duck and Cover adventure


The irreverent adventures continue! In Knights of the Apocalypse, Benjamin Wallace's former librarian is back and bumbling through the wreckage of civilization!

Jerry, Erica and their massive massif Chewy, have wound-up broken-down in the Kingdom of the Five Peaks. Southern Colorado's new ruler King Elias offers our post-apocalyptic nomadic warrior a chance to live, but there are always challenges. Cannibals, the power of steam, and a legion of knights all stand in their way. Watch Jerry mess it all up!

I've really enjoyed Wallace's Duck and Cover adventures. He takes some of the most fun tropes in post-apocalytpia and twists them on their side.

Knights of the Apocalypse (A Duck & Cover Adventure Post-Apocalyptic Series Book 2) via Amazon

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Fox News chief Roger Ailes resigns after sexual harassment claims, Murdoch takes over


Content warning: sexual assault. 20th Century Fox put out a brief today that Roger Ailes has resigned as CEO of Fox News Channel. Ailes departs the conservative television news empire after multiple women accused him of sexual assault.

Twenty-First Century Fox chairman Rupert Murdoch will take over as chairman and acting CEO of Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network until a suitably demonic, bulldog-jowled, elderly white male replacement with testicles that look like hamburger meat can be found.


Advances in transparent, brain-revealing skull-windows


Researchers at UC Riverside and Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada have published a paper describing their ongoing success in setting a "transparent nanocrystalline yttria-stabilized-zirconia" into patients' skulls, which reveal the patients' brains so that the patients' brains can be zapped with therapeutic lasers.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

100 yard-long kraken surfaces near Antarctica, and other tabloid stunners


“It's war!” screams the cover of Us magazine.

Forget Iraq and Afghanistan, Syria and Nigeria. It's Kim Kardashian vs Taylor Swift that has Us mag so excited, after the reality TV queen called the singer a “f--king liar.”

People magazine also gets in on the war reporting as Kim and Tay's “feud explodes” after Kim videoed husband Kanye West asking Swift's permission to include a song lyric saying they might have sex - but failed to tell Taylor that he was going to call her a “bitch" that he made famous. Therein lies the philosophical difference that evidently is the pop culture equivalent of assassinating the Archduke of Austro-Hungary.

The Globe is preoccupied with another battle-front: “Queen Kate's War With Di's Brother!” Ignoring for a moment the fact that Kate is neither Queen, nor will she be even when HRH Queen Elizabeth pops her royal clogs, Duchess Kate is supposedly outraged that Diana's brother, Earl Charles Spencer, is renting out his stately home - and Diana's last resting place - to well-heeled tourists. for up to $40,000- a-night. Perhaps the Globe is forgetting that Buckingham Palace is currently open to visitors until October 1 for a mere 37 pounds (about $49)?

A “Top Secret GOP Convention Plot” to ensure that Donald Trump wins the presidential election is exposed by the National Enquirer. I'm not sure how secret a “convention plot” can be when it's being televised live every day, but the Enquirer nevertheless reveals Trump's “7-Step Plan to destroy Hillary.” This supposedly involves the GOP exposing seven dark secrets about the Democratic candidate and her husband, including Hillary's alleged “lesbian shenanigans,” her spell in an Illinois mental hospital “following a nervous breakdown caused by Bill's cheating,” Bill's illegitimate love child with an ex-lover, exposing Monica Lewinsky's secret diaries, and Hillary's secret pact to divorce Bill if she loses the election. Let's see how many of these are even mentioned at the convention, let alone becoming major planks in the GOP platform, shall we?

Actor Nick Nolte has only “4 weeks to live!” claims the Globe. “Nolte dead in a month,” agrees the Enquirer. Evidently he is suffering “clogged sinuses” (sounds like a death sentence to me) and “cardiac palpitations.” How do they know he has only days to live? “Friends are worried,” reports the Globe. He was reportedly spotted wandering the streets of Los Angeles “in filthy clothes.” As everyone knows, dirty clothes are an infallible sign of terminal late-stage chronic fashion blindness. Death is sure to follow swiftly (or Kardashianly, depending on which side of that conflict you're on.). I'm starting a death count-down. Let's see if Mr. Nolte is still with us in four week's time. He won't let the tabloids down like Val Kilmer, who over a year ago was given just weeks to live but stubbornly refuses to go. Or Cher, or Bill Clinton, or the Queen, or George Bush, or all the others who have been given weeks to live by the tabloids yet keep clinging on.

Hopefully Nolte will live long enough to see the “100 yard-long kraken” which surfaced near Antarctica, according to the National Examiner. I can't help wondering if its crack team of science reporters might be adding just the merest touch of spin to the satellite photo that supposedly shows a “massive disturbance” breaching the ocean surface and a “fin-like object” in a black patch of sea? Apparently not. “This looks like the kraken,” says Scott Waring of the UFO Sighting Daily website, which certainly sounds like it must be some branch of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. The Examiner quotes a “commenter” who says: “Maybe the stories about the giant monster of the deep are all true.” Hang on a second: what's a “commenter?” Just a random person making a comment, who they can't even be bothered to name? Like the kraken, this smells fishy.

Michael Caine's “amazing secret to learning his lines” is also revealed in the Examiner: he repeats them to himself, over and over. Amazing!

Fortunately we have Us mag's crack investigative team to tell us that Lucy Liu wore it best, Zoe Saldana lacks feeling in one finger after a childhood bicycling accident, Abby Elliott (Who she, Ed?) carries lip balm, bobby pins, sunglasses and keys in her straw Clare V bag, and the stars are just like us: they enjoy a cold beer, sip drinks while they stroll, ride bikes and “they hold the phone.” Remarkable. I'm holding my phone right now, and I've never felt more like a celebrity.

The presence of Kim vs Tay on the cover of both Us and People magazines gives you a good indication of the vacuousness of the rest of the stories inside. People magazine devotes its cover to “The JFK Jr you never knew,” and since almost 100 per cent of People's readers never met, spoke to or knew the former President's son, it should be a slam-dunk to tell us something we don't know. But that's not to be. People, celebrating the 17th anniversary of JFK Jr's death - because 17 is a prime number? - tells us that John John was “ridiculously handsome,” a “reluctant hunk,” had “brains and brawn . . . but no coordination,” and was “his father's son.” Well, we never knew that.

TV's Bachelorette suitor JoJo gets rejects a lover in the Fantasy Suite next week, reveals Us, which is good, because we need more room in the Fantasy Suite for the editors of the tabloids and celebrity magazines. We can only hope and pray that they wear their flak jackets and survive another week in the savage trenches of celebrity war reporting.

Onwards and downwards . . .

Very fast crochet


“A lot of people can crochet. Jayna Grassel can do it FAST.”


Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Tiffany Trump's dreamy synthpop track is the best thing any Trump has ever done


Like a bird likeabird a bird a birdabirdabirdabirdabirdabirdabird.

A remix could fix the evident problems. The poor woman ("widely known for her rich-kid instagram") is being dragged out to support dad at the convention this evening; this track sadly gained no headway in 2014.

I see you like that spot above

Crawling through the liquid love

You're cute and you're Tweeting™ me!

Baby you go beep, beep, beep!

Everybody partying

Obsessing over crazy things

I just want serenity

While living it up!

Star Wars Rebels season three trailer


I did not want this trailer to be over!

The characters appear to have aged a few years. No sign of Ahsoka but we'll evidently get to see a young Wedge Antilles! Hard core fans of the novels will be thrilled to see Grand Admiral Thrawn reenter the Star Wars canon universe.

If you haven't seen them, the first two seasons of Star Wars Rebels are fantastic!

Monday, 18 July 2016

Men's rights meltdown at McDonalds


A fellow hoping to dine at an Ottawa McDonalds was informed by the woman serving him that they had run out of Junior Chicken sandwiches for the night. So he called her a bitch, argued for several minutes about the relevance and appropriateness of the term, raised other issues of interest to Men's Rights, and suggested she get on her knees to "service" him-all at steadily increasing volume and pitch. [via\]

This stylish vaporizer will have you 'lighting up' in no time flat

The best part of smoking is the moment when it's finally time to inhale that first breath, kick back, and relax. But getting to that first inhale isn't always the easiest task, and you're often left with a bigger mess than when you started.

There's a better way, and it's called the Hippie 2.0 Vaporizer. This compact little vape packs a powerful punch: it has a temperature scale of 356 F- 428 F, is constructed with a full ceramic chamber, and charges quickly via USB.

Plus, it's smart enough to remember what your last temperature setting was, so you'll always have the best smoking experience, every time (no more fiddling with the perfect way to pack the bowl).

The Hippie 2.0 Vaporizer also comes with an assortment of goodies including a USB charger cable, a glass pipe attachment, and a sleek leather carrying case-all for just $96 (39% off the original price of $159).

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Paul Ryan selfie with congressional interns


This photo of congressional interns taken by House Speaker Paul Ryan struck me as lacking in diversity, but I eventually found a ginger.

Edit: Dupe!

Mississippi's prison town are in danger of collapse, thanks to tiny reforms in the War on Drugs


Towns in Mississippi and other Tea Party-ruled states with large (often private) prison industries are totally reliant on state/fed funding transfers to local prisons for cash and jobs, forced prison labor to provide local services for free, and War on Drugs arrests and minimum sentencing to fill those jails. The first tiny steps toward criminal justice reform have eroded the underpinnings of the whole system, leaving the towns facing collapse.


Saturday, 16 July 2016

Plane, Motorcycle, Wire Walker in Crazy Triple Stunt

This video is titled “Aerobatic pilot Melissa Andrzejewski flies under highliner Sketchy Andy Lewis and freestyle motocross legend Jimmy Fitzpatrick in a first of its kind aviation stunt.” There's not much else to say other than take a deep breath and watch it!


There's no CGI here: these are professional daredevils who are incredibly well trained in their fields with nerves of steel. I wish there had been something this good in any of the recent James Bond movies.


And as if I needed to remind you, do not try this in your backyard.

Friday, 15 July 2016

Cool Haunted Mansion Umbrella Will Make You Smile On a Rainy Day

Haunted Mansion Umbrella Exterior

You walk into Disney's Haunted Mansion, and whether you're in Orlando, Anaheim, or Tokyo, after the foyer you enter a place known as The Stretching Room. The Ghost Host intones, “Our tour begins here in this gallery where you see paintings of some of our guests as they appeared in their corruptible, mortal state. Your cadaverous pallor betrays an aura of foreboding, almost as though you sense a disquieting metamorphosis. Is this haunted room actually stretching? Or is it your imagination, hmmm? And consider this dismaying observation: This chamber has no windows and no doors, which offers you this chilling challenge: to find a way out!”

And the room stretches, growing many many feet taller, the four paintings on the wall (by Imagineer Marc Davis) also stretch, revealing that the seemingly innocent pictures are actually much more devious and reveal peril at every turn for those portrayed in them.

Haunted Mansion Umbrella Inside

If you're a Haunted Mansion fan then you know all this backward and forward. But how would you like to carry The Stretching Room around on a rainy day to cheer you up with a fancy new Stretching Room Umbrella? The price is $34.99 with a money back guarantee. The seller gives the details:

Stretching Room Umbrella. Imagine you are in the Haunted Mansion every time you open your umbrella

Made from 100% polyester pongee waterproof fabric.

Image imprinted using heat sublimation technique to prevent discoloring.

Opens up to 41" span.

Can be reduced to a collapsed height of 9"

8 ribs made from strong fiber for extra support.

Each rib consists of 3-section aluminum for flexibility and strength.

Main holder made from reinforced plastic.

Buy it here.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Fresno cops execute unarmed teen


Fresno cops pulled over Dylan Noble, an unarmed 19-year-old, and shot him because he failed to comply with orders to get on the ground. Then they approached him as he lay squirming on the asphalt, and executed him with a shotgun. The pretext: his continued failure to put his hands where they could see them.

California police were looking for a man in camouflage walking down the street carrying a rifle when they decided to pull over a man in a truck who was not wearing camouflage and not carrying a rifle.

An unarmed man named Dylan Noble whom Fresno police shot and killed anyway.

Today, after viewing body cam footage of the shooting, Noble's family filed a claim to sue the Fresno Police Department, stating that they had no justifiable reason to shoot the 19-year-old man on June 25.

Fresno's police chief, Jerry Dyer, was unable to explain to CNN why his officers killed Noble.

"I do not have the answer for that today," Dyer told reporters in the central California city of 520,000 people.
An internal affairs investigation will look into whether police procedures were followed and whether there were other options. A review by the district attorney will determine whether the two Fresno police officers should be criminally charged.
"We're shocked and appalled that the city of Fresno would continue to defend the actions of its officers," said Stuart Chandler, an attorney for Veronica Noble, Dylan's mother. "Clearly the only appropriate response is to accept responsibility and commit to changing practices of the police department."

Itty-bitty Nintendo NES with 30 built-in games coming in November


Today, Nintendo announced the NES Classic Edition, a little console loaded with 30 classic titles, including Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Donkey Kong, and Kirby's Adventure. It plugs into your TV's HDMI port and includes one NES gamepad controller. It's coming November 11 and retails for $60.

Included titles:

  • Balloon Fight

  • Bubble Bobble

  • Castlevania

  • Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

  • Donkey Kong

  • Donkey Kong Jr.

  • Double Dragon II: The Revenge

  • Dr. Mario

  • Excitebike

  • Final Fantasy

  • Galaga

  • Ghosts'N Goblins

  • Gradius

  • Ice Climber

  • Kid Icarus

  • Kirby's Adventure

  • Mario Bros.

  • Mega Man 2

  • Metroid

  • Ninja Gaiden

  • Pac-Man

  • Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream

  • StarTropics

  • Super C

  • Super Mario Bros.

  • Super Mario Bros. 2

  • Super Mario Bros. 3

  • Tecmo Bowl

  • The Legend of Zelda

  • Zelda II: The Adventure of Link


(Thanks, Calvin!)

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Straight people identifying as queer runs from ugly appropriation to beautiful idealism


Jenna Wortham wrote a fascinating article about the pros and cons of straight people identifying as queer. In the wild, this is often nothing more than an ugly appropriation. Ah, but the possibilities...

"Someday, maybe we'll recognize that queer is actually the norm, and the notion of static sexual identities will be seen as austere and reductive. ... To the queer theorist José Esteban Muñoz, queerness was not a label people could claim but a complete reimagining of how people could be. “We may never touch queerness,” he wrote, in his 2009 book, “Cruising Utopia.” “But we can feel it as the warm illumination of a horizon imbued with potentiality.” The widespread acceptance and even appropriation of the word “queer” seem to move us both closer to and further from such a future. But the horizon is out there, and you can see it if you squint."