Tuesday 29 September 2015

Zeroes: it sucks to be a teen, even with powers


The Zeroes' powers aren't quite the sort we're used to seeing in, say, X-Men or Teen Titans. These kids -- all born in the year 2000, and maybe it was something about all those zeroes that made the difference? -- have powers that revolve around the attention, affection, and influence of other people.

There's Flicker, born blind, but able to see through other peoples' eyes.

There's Crash, an electrosensitive whose agony in the presence of electronic equipment presents a nearly irresistible temptation to lash out with her power to short them out, fuse them, render them inoperable forever.

There's Scam, who has a Voice that speaks whatever words will get him what he wants -- even things he couldn't possible know and often promptly forgets (this power began before he even learned to speak, and he acquired speech by listening to himself speak whatever words served to get him what he desired as an infant).

Then there's Anon, whom no one can remember as soon as they stop talking to him. Literally snuffed out of their attention -- as if he'd never been there. This is great for sneaking around, not so good for making lasting friendships.

Finally, there's Bellwether, whom the others all call "Fearless Leader" (behind his back), who can rally everyone to a cause, weld them into a team, make them more than the sum of their parts. He's ambitious. (more…)

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